Green House Billboard
Logo, Branding, Billboard
Logo, Branding, Billboard
El grupo FIC necesitaba comunicar que tenían lotes para alquilar en el medio de la naturaleza, llenos de verde, pasto y flores. Pensamos entonces en un gigantesco cartel hecho de pasto para comunicar el concepto, lo llevamos a cabo y así es como quedó. También hicimos el diseño de logo y nombre.
FIC Group needed to tell people that they had land avaible for rent in a nature friendly area, full of green, grass and flowers. We thought a gigantic grass billboard so as to communicate the concept, we did it and this is how it went on. We also did naming and branding for the whole project.
FIC Group needed to tell people that they had land avaible for rent in a nature friendly area, full of green, grass and flowers. We thought a gigantic grass billboard so as to communicate the concept, we did it and this is how it went on. We also did naming and branding for the whole project.