Alpargatas renovó su marca a nivel internacional y nos encargó el re-diseño de su marca Outlet actualizando su imagen a estos nuevos parámetros. Jugamos con mantener ciertos aspectos de su marca antigua pero fusionando con su nueva inicial multicolor dando el resultado a una nueva inicial híbrida que comunique ambos aspectos de la marca.
Alpargatas updated their international branding and commissioned us the redesign of their Outlet brand so it reaches their new parameters. We decided then to rescue some aspects of their old brand but making a fusion with their new multicolour initial, giving as a result a new hybrid initial which communicates both aspects of the brand.
Alpargatas updated their international branding and commissioned us the redesign of their Outlet brand so it reaches their new parameters. We decided then to rescue some aspects of their old brand but making a fusion with their new multicolour initial, giving as a result a new hybrid initial which communicates both aspects of the brand.